We had our first internal training workshop involving members of Change the Code to tackle on basic coding through a platform known as Arduino. The interesting concept lies on the fact that it is particularly aimed at students without any background in programming but are willing to take on the challenge to learn. Some of us are under the field of science and technology while the rest of us come from other fields that are completely unrelated. Yet, during the workshop session, we all had one mission: to equip ourselves in becoming future tech instructors for the dedicated female high school students who are passionate about being future coders of the world and ultimately, break the glass ceiling.
As a novice in programming, to put it simply, Arduino is a beginner-friendly programming system which utilizes hardware connections of the Arduino board to the software program where we write codes as ‘instructions’ for the hardware to do what we want. Essentially, for our workshop, the simple lines of code that we typed were able to flash different LED lights to the board. This process of looping is clear and succinct. All we had to do was download the software, connect the board by the USB port and other cables, and input the code. We tell the arduino what to do and it delivers the information to the hardware; input generates output. However, it does more than that in the long-run, it provides flexibility for everyone to further learn more complex codes and is not restricted to merely turning on the light. Instead, coders from around the world are able to unleash their creativity and demonstrate their potential through innovative projects from designing functional landscape prototypes to creating Cheeseborg (a voice-controlled robot that makes grilled cheese, yum!). Therefore, the flexibility and ease are some features of Arduino that catalyzes life-long learning. Even if we don't choose careers in the STEM industry, code can be applied to whatever it is we’re passionate about.
As university students, we recognize the existing gender gap in the STEM industry and its’ increasing importance where the world is advancing rapidly and technology is involved in most facet of our lives. We want to break the existing social construct of a male-dominated, exclusive to the most clever, STEM industry which is exactly why our organization is empowered by students from various faculties: to promote a broader representation and demonstrate the very mission that we are advancing. Our upcoming workshops will teach and assist vibrant female high school students in Arduino and equip them with basic programming skills. Not only that, we want to elevate the interest of future leading generations in taking up science and technology related fields and feel more confident of the pursuit of their studies. This workshop is an opportunity for us to create an exciting learning environment that is accessible to anyone, regardless of their educational background and gender. Our internal workshop enforced teamwork. It was pleasant to see everyone venturing into learning new things, together. That day, we came one step closer to achieving our goal, what Change the Code ultimately stands for, and the smiles plastered on our faces are evident.